I’m 17 years old, born in London, UK. I started to write in the summer of 2012 and have not stopped since then. I write an average of a 1000 words a day, every day, using the 750words.com web site to help my productivity.
The genre I write in are teen fiction with themes of fantasy and am planning a science fiction book.
I have my first book, called Sub Shot, with my editor and I’ve finished the second (the first book of a different series), and have the start done on books 3 and 4.
I write out my plot outlines in long hand in a note pad and then type these up. Hope you are interested in what I am doing and link with me on my Twitter or like my Facebook page.
My twitter name is, https://twitter.com/NeraBlackice Follow @NeraBlackice
And you can visit my Author Facebook page at,