I started writing when I was 16 at the start of the Summer holidays of 2012. I had heard about the 750words.com web site from a friend. The idea is very simple – every day, within the 24 hours of the day, you must write 750 words (or more !).
There are no prizes but you get “badges” at certain checkpoints for example like when you type for 10 days in a row. At 365 days I got The Pegasus badge and I’m now over a 400 day streak and so in a few more months I’ll be a “Spacebird”. The badges have different names. If you miss a day then your run, or “streak”, resets which is mean. The site used to be free but now you have a 30 day trial. I’m lucky as I had started before Buster Benson ( http://busterbenson.com/ ) decided to add a subscription to make the site more stable.
I type around 1000 words a day. It takes me about an hour to type these. At the start I didn’t bother correcting spelling errors but now I try and fix them as I go along. My technical adviser takes my draft and produces a spreadsheet with all the unique words that I use. This also picks up wrongly spelt words. I then add the correct spelling to the spreadsheet and it has some script that it creates to edit my draft all at once and to create a new draft which we all then start editing in an editor.
I finished the first book after just about 3 months of typing and worked out a name with my technical adviser, “Sub Shot“. Over the past year I have written 400,000 words and this has improved my vocabulary and has polished my writing skills. Now in the Summer of 2013 I’m working with the editor to ‘tighten’ up the plot and we plan to publish this in late-September. We’re currently just over 1/2 way through.